Friday, May 8, 2015

Bad Reboot: Sexy Hamburglar

  In this modern world of adult orientated fast food places that all look like a coffee house instead of somewhere I go to get something off a dollar menu There is no place for the Hamburglar, or so I thought. Turns out it is not only movies that reboot classics to make them more hip and modern. No, no because McDonald's is doing it too.

McDonald's Land Supporting cast 1980's
  We where all once kids and we all once loved the McDonald's Land characters. I mean the best part of McDonald's was McDonald's Land. McDonald's Land was the name of the play area (In the 80's) and of the fictional magical place, that had citizens made of Hamburgers and fries that ate nothing but Hamburgers and fries. Seems a little cannibalistic but who cares? Of course every land needs there Bad Guy and McDonald's Land had the Hamburglar, A human that would go around doing exactly what his name imply's, stealing Hamburgers.

The Hamburglar as he originally appeared
Hamburlar 1980's
The Hamburlar originally appeared in a commercial in 1975, four years into McDonald's Land existence. He was originally a pretty ugly adult looking Character and was redone in the 80's to look more like a pudgy child. No doubt you remember this look and if your a 90's kid you probably remember the giant Banner with him on it that, hung alongside Banners of the other remaining McDonald's Land characters.

Hamburglar in the Wacky Adventures
of Ronald McDonald
  I used to love the commercials for McDonald's that Aired when I was a kid. In the late 90's they released a VHS series called the Wacky Adventures Of Ronald McDonald, that featured a Hamburglar that looked like he was straight out of a 90's Nickelodeon cartoon. I never liked those tapes but, my friends did. 

  In the 2000's the McDonald's Land Commercials were sadly discontinued in favor of the "I'm Lovin It" slogan commercials, though the character's Image could still be seen at the Play Places in most McDonald's.

Sexy Hamburglar 2015
  Meet the sexy Hamburglar, He may look like something out of someones 50 Shades of Grey / McDonald's fan fiction but, he's the new Hipster Hamburglar for 2015. He is even a family man with a wife and kids! Some one explain to me how the chubby puppet kid grew to be a completely human adult? Does nobody else find this creepy? He's the Hamburglar he steals food. Is there going to be a series of commercials of him stealing from McDonald's. A kid stealing hamburgers can be funny, a grown man stealing hamburgers, just seems like some sort of weird fetish, I don't want to eat at a place with a mascot with a food fetish.

  This leads me to wonder if we will get modern up dates of other classic McDonald's characters like, A sad drunk Ronald McDonald, Or a Birdie the Early Bird that Frames her husband for her murder? Seriously for a place trying to distance it's self from it's child friendly past, it just seems weird to pull one of these characters out of retirement but, what do I know? Maybe next time you go to McDonald's they'll be building a Play Place for adults only... .


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