In the 80's and 90's before everyone had this thing called the internet with literally every film at your fingertips, when people still went to video stores and, video cassettes were all the rage, movie box art had to be eye catching for the film to have any chance of being bought or rented.
Box art could range from the film's poster to beautiful painted art or, something very kitsch. I have gathered five examples of awesome box art that might have caught your attention from the 80's into the 90's.
E.T 1988 VHS release box cover. |
E.T. does not have the most extravagant box art but, it did not need it. E.T. was a huge success and this simple elegant cover is all it needed. Displaying one of the greatest moments from the film and film history, you probably snatched this up right away wanting to re-live the tale of a boy and his alien.
Original 1988 VHS release. |
The box front of Predator does nothing to give you an idea of what the film was about. Displaying a mosaic computer image of Arnold Schwarzenegger with a target seemingly moving up his body with weird alien letters. If some how you had not heard of the film this simple but intriguing box cover may have been just enough to get you to check out the film.
Original 1991 VHS release. |
By the time TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE came out TMNT was at the height of there popularity. As soon as any kid saw this they would of been screaming at there parents to get it. Sporting all 4 turtles with Mickey happily pointing down at the ooze, all stuck in a giant number 2, it's very 90's. If you were a kid you screamed for this.
1985 VHS box cover. Art by Renato Casaro |
Conan The Barbarian is the second Arnold film on this list and the first one to sport a painted cover. Even if you have never seen this film ( I still haven't) the beautiful Frazetta style art promises an epic fantasy adventure. This film must have seen many rentals due to it's box art alone, I mean look at it how can you not want give that film a chance?
Original 1986 VHS box art release. |
This box is simply amazing. LEGEND was an extremely underrated film when it came out and it still is. John Alvin did the poster art and this completely sums up the film, With Darkness (Tim Curry) holding a ball of light that shows the heroes Jack (Tom Cruise) and Lili (Mia Sara). This is one impressive box cover.
I hope you enjoyed this look back on old VHS cover art. I will be doing more of these in the future there are thousands of VHS' out there with cool box art that the world needs to see.
P.S. This article set me back a grand total of $1.50.
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